The Associations
ESLSCA has more than 8 associations with numerous projects.
ESLSCA is a place of training and education leading to a real qualification and professionalization, but it is also a place of exchange, sharing and commitment in civic, cultural and sports activities.
ESlSCA Business School Paris encourages its students to take initiatives in order to develop and stimulate their experience and commitment through social, environmental, cultural and sports projects.
The various projects are reflected in the existence of numerous student associations
The Bureau des Etudiants (BDE)
The Bureau des Arts (BDA)
The Junior Entreprise (JE)
The Bureau des Sports (BDS)
The Bureau de Vie Internationale (BVI)
The Bureau de Vie Internationale (BVI) is an association whose goal is to introduce you to all the cultures represented. The OIL has values such as integration, discovery, and living together,