
Certificate - Stock market and trading: Technical analysis of financial markets

  • 3500€
  • Octobre 2024
  • Français
Two different training paces

On-site format

  • Duration: 10 days

Online format

  • Duration: 10 weeks

Description of the certification course

This certificate is aimed at finance professionals or anyone with an interest in approaching financial markets from a technical/graphical perspective. The aim is to acquire the skills of technical analysis on the financial markets, from theoretical acquisition to practical application.

Objectives of the certificate "Stock market and trading: Technical analysis of financial markets"

MBA Exec OL Trading Objectives
  1. Acquire the theoretical skills of Technical Analysis of financial markets 
  2. Be able to apply the tools of Technical Analysis in order to invest in financial markets
  3. Build a method based on graphical/technical tools and test its effectiveness 
  4. Learn to master the software environment of Technical Analysis (Bloomberg - ProRealTime)
  5. Learn to master position management and its psychological biases

Targeted skills

  • Maintain and update financial databases
  • Extract various securities (equities - bonds - derivatives - commodities - etc.) in order to obtain the best possible performance from the portfolios under management
  • Establish and analyze trends in benchmark stock market indices with a view to identifying medium- and long-term financial market trends and assessing the risks of various types of investment
  • Confirm forecasts using statistical and probabilistic studies adapted to the investment durations.
Request information
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