MBA Business Law

  • Full time or work-study
  • 9200€
  • Octobre 2024
  • French only

Program description

Business life and markets are constantly changing: financial crises, digitization, digital law, compliance, CSR, SME financing, Fintech, Blockchain... The vocation of the 24-month Business Law MBA is to train excellent jurists with both solid knowledge and practical tools enabling them to apprehend these movements in compliance with the rules in force. A teaching team made up of leading academics and recognized practitioners is dedicated to this objective. They enthusiastically contribute their know-how and expertise for the benefit of our students. 
At the same time, the students are the main players in the program and its main activities. This involvement, combined with the quality of the program, gives them an undeniable grasp of business and market issues, as well as an undeniable short-term operational character.

Students can continue on to the second year of the program via 2 specializations: MBA in International Business Law, specializing in management and finance, or MBA in Business Law, specializing in compliance and risk management.

Why do an MBA in Business Law?

ESLSCA's MBA in Business Law prepares students to enter the business world in highly responsible legal positions thanks to its relevant and effective courses. This course is also available on a sandwich course basis.

The MBA in Law to become a legal expert

Ranked 9th in the Eduniversal Business Law and Management rankings, this MBA gives you dual expertise as a manager and a lawyer. Candidates who attend this course are able to excel in the following areas:

  • Law of start-ups, legal structures, groups, international contracts in English, financing and fund-raising, intellectual property and digital law, etc.;
  • Corporate taxation;
  • Organisational management;
  • and drafting special contracts.

This MBA is essential if you want to understand the complexity of French, European and international business and labour law.

The MBA for the future strategic manager

A real career booster, the MBA in Law remains the benchmark course in the world of corporate financial management.

This professional MBA reveals the cutting-edge financial techniques needed to steer a company through its digital transformation.

Following this course also means acquiring skills in strategy and business modeling, while deploying agile project management. Candidates become experts in leadership and team management.

This professionally-oriented MBA reveals the cutting-edge financial techniques needed to steer a company through its digital transformation.

Following this course also means acquiring skills in strategy and the business model, while deploying agile project management. Candidates become experts in leadership and team management.

Request information
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