MBA Wealth Management, Banking and Insurance

  • Full time
  • 9200€
  • October 2024
  • French

Program description

The MBA in Wealth Management, Banking and Insurance is designed not only for students interested in the world of banking, but also in long-term customer relations.

The course is designed to give students a perfect command of banking management, real estate, insurance financing techniques, compliance, family law, customer relationship management based on listening, as well as management skills, while keeping an economic watch on products and regulatory developments.

Pourquoi faire un MBA Gestion de Patrimoine et Banque - Assurance ?

This ESLSCA MBA stands out for the quality of its lecturers and the modernity of its programs. It is offered both as an initial program and as a sandwich course.

An MBA in Wealth Management and Banking - Insurance by experts

Practicing professionals, legal experts and management and finance experts are on hand to advise candidates. An added bonus is the evening events and trade shows organized to enrich the address books and boost the networks of registered professionals. This Master of Business Administration gives a powerful boost to their careers, as it highlights the realities of the job market.

A response to the development of the banking and insurance sector

The digitalization of the profession has boosted the range of services on offer, and wealth management is a booming sector. That's why ESLSCA's MBA program is so attractive: it's tailor-made, and the managers who take it are immediately employable. They brilliantly meet the market's expectations in terms of :

  • Carry out a wealth diagnosis;
  • Develop relevant investment and wealth strategies;
  • Implement them;
  • Manage a customer portfolio as a wealth engineering expert;
  • Or manage a middle office.

In the course of their training, managers acquire all the skills they need to lead 4.0 teams.

La formation en chiffres - promo 2022
des étudiants ont obtenu leur diplôme
des étudiants sont en poste 6 mois après leur diplomation
Request information
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