International strategy
ESLSCA Business School Paris develops its international academic partnerships based on the identification of academic synergies and the level of recognition of its partners.
International mobility
For our students:
Our students have a number of options for studying abroad throughout their studies, as follows:
- Semester mobility
Our students are invited to study abroad for a semester during the second semester of the second year of the Bachelor of Finance and Data Science program, at one of our partner institutions.
- Study trips
Our students are encouraged to discover our European partners and visit companies in other countries via study trips during the second year of their Bachelor's degree.
This is possible for many programs, including the :
- Bachelor Finance
- Bachelor Data Science
- MBA Luxury Management and Marketing
- MBA 2 Trading & Market Finance
- MSc Purchasing & Supply Chain Management
- MSc Project Management
- Summer Camps
Optional Summer Camps lasting from one week to 10 days are also organized during the summer by our partners to offer innovative teaching content to our students: business cases, challenges and other entrepreneurial projects.
- Internships
Every year, students in initial training have the opportunity to do their end-of-year internship abroad, according to the terms defined by their program of study.
For our teaching and research staff
In order to identify synergies common to the various institutions in the ESLSCA Business School Paris network, our teaching and research staff are encouraged to go abroad to collaborate on teaching and research projects, as well as to teach in partner establishments.
They are also involved in inter-school publications.
For administrative staff
Mobility also applies to administrative teams.
The objectives of these actions are mainly to provide short-term professional and cultural experiences, and to exchange best academic practices.
It enables us to identify new avenues for developing the overall academic experience offered to our students.
Our international campuses
ESLSCA Business School - Rabat

Created in 2017, ESLSCA Business School Rabat aims to be a key player in higher education on the African continent.
ESLSCA Business School Rabat offers its students, both nationals and foreigners, high-level training programs, from Bachelor's to Master's degrees, in the fields of finance, trading, digital marketing and project management.
ESLSCA University

ESLSCA University was established in 1997 as a training branch in Egypt.
With several campuses in Cairo, Alexandria, Sharm el Sheikh and Assuit, the school offers training in the fields of management and, more specifically, finance and business intelligence.
The university prides itself on ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for diverse perspectives, and offers a variety of extra-curricular activities to help students develop their skills and interests.
Our program in detail
Get to know which programs apply to the international experience:
- Bachelor Finance - 1st year
- Bachelor Finance - 2nd year
- Bachelor Finance - 3rd year
- Bachelor 1 Data Science
- Bachelor 2 Data Science
- Bachelor 3 Data Science