MSc in Purchasing & Supply Chain Management

  • Full-time
  • 12950€
  • April - November 2024
  • Full english

Description of the MSc

The Master of Science is a specialised Master’s programme that provides students with expertise in the Supply Chain area.

With this 18 months programme, students will acquire general managerial skills that will allow them to have a fulfilling career in any field. This programme will allow students to obtain a co-diploma, in partnership with ESC Clermont Business School.

In a globalised and competitive world, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management are strategic assets for developing a company's performance.

This programme enables students to acquire concepts, methods and tools that are essential to becoming professionals in this ever-growing field.

Why enrol in an MSc Purchasing and Supply Chain Management?

The Master of Science in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management will allow you to follow a fully English programme at the heart of Paris. 

A one of a kind Master's degree in Purchasing and Supply Chain

The latest health and geopolitical crises in the world have propelled a renewal of sourcing and an unprecedented flexibility in risk management. This MSc, taught by the academics from ESLSCA Business School as well as trained professionals will give our students the opportunity to get two degrees: one from ESLSCA business School, the other one from the triple internationaly accredited ESC Clermont Business School .

This is the course to follow for someone who wants to stand out in front of a recruiter, namely thank to:

  • The opportunity to be trained for the CPIM certification exam;
  • A curriculum based on the APICS programmes;
  • A teaching fully based on concrete business cases.

High-level skills

Purchasing is of great importance to manage a company. The system of supply chains is constantly renewed and managers need to build on the skills they have acquired on this course in:

  • Sourcing policy;
  • Relocation;
  • Strategic or safety stocks;
  • Risk management.

Buyer, Purchaser, Supply Chain Manager, Stock Manager, Demand Planner or Flow Manager are the most sought after positions that you can access after obtaining this MSc Purchasing and Supply Chain with ESLSCA Business School Paris.

Why choose this programme?

  • English-track programme
  • Collaborative program with the esteemed ESC Clermont Business School, recognised by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles
  • Multi-cultural environment
  • Small-class cohorts
  • Individualised coaching (courses, internship, thesis, job)
  • The students build a real case of international sourcing, thus allowing them to implement the methods and tools taught
  • Teaching based on real cases with the contribution of expert professionals
  • Curriculum in line with APICS standards, setting students on a path to global recognition and a chance to prepare for the CPIM certification exam
  • Programme delivered in Paris with possible exchange with ESC Clermont (for some modules) / Possible pooling of academic projects between the two campuses.
Request information
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