
MBA Business Engineer

  • Full time or work-study
  • 12500€
  • October 2024
  • French

Program description

The 2-year MBA specialising in Business Engineering, due to open in October 2022, aims to train managers in strategy and business development, a key role in many digital companies and start-ups, as well as in more traditional companies.

In our MBA, students will learn how to reorientate the product and/or service being sold to meet the needs of the market, diagnose the business plan in order to achieve the company's objective and structure the development strategy to guarantee greater stability of the forecast.

Teaching in the first year is based around 3 themes: steering the product/service strategy, reorienting the target product/service to meet market needs; developing the market, in order to challenge its position in the face of competition; steering economic profitability, in order to organise the unit's development in conjunction with the finance department. It enables students to continue their studies in the 2nd year of the MBA Business Engineering.

Why do an MBA in Business Engineering?

The MBA in Business Engineering is an excellent course of study, also offered as a sandwich course, which provides the skills you need to manage BtoB digital marketing projects.

An MBA specialized in high technology

The Business Engineering MBA offered by ESLSCA Business School Paris has a number of advantages that set it apart. Candidates acquire skills that will give them a high level of responsibility in a company, as they are trained to :

  • Become experts in complex sales of high value-added solutions;
  • Manage project teams to ensure the marketing and deployment of solutions to customers;
  • Manage prospecting and negotiation with different companies in the sector;
  • Boost sales and customer loyalty by driving high-impact sales actions.

Candidates become experts in selling products and solutions in the Digital and Innovation Industries.

The essential MBA for a position in high demand

ESLSCA's MBA in Business Engineering, specializing in Business Developer, is perfectly aligned with the realities and needs of today's and tomorrow's market.

Applicants to this program distinguish themselves by acquiring the skills essential to these dynamic sectors: the Digital and Innovation Industries. These sectors generate substantial sales, and there are many positions to be filled.

Request information
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